Monday, August 12, 2013

It's Official! An Endgame is a non-profit!

The Wilkins Parkinson's Foundation has brought us under their 501(c)3 charter to make our short film a non-profit project. All donations to our budget will now be fully tax deductible (we'll have donation links up on our page as soon as our account info is set up).

Bill Wilkins, the Executive Director and Co-founder of the WPF is the man Katie Peabody at the Michael J Fox Foundation introduced me to (see our development post). He is also one of the eight original members of the MJFF's Patient Council.

Here is his bio from the Wilkins Parkinson's Foundation site.

"Bill Wilkins (WPF Executive Director & Co-Founder): Bill’s background in out-of-home media began in 1960 in Los Angeles. He held key management and executive positions in Las Vegas & Chicago, and in 1980 became the first President of the Institute of Outdoor Advertising (New York City) to come from within the industry itself. He founded Wilkins Media Company in Atlanta in 1987. WMC has since become the oldest, largest independent out-of-home media specialist in the country."

During that early brainstorming session with Katie, I told her that I was looking for someone who would be willing to host our project, would also be supportive for the story we are trying to tell by giving us autonomy to make the creative decisions, and at the same time be willing let us donate any money gained by the completed short towards Parkinson's Disease research though the Michael J. Fox Foundation. A pretty tall and specific order. It's no wonder to me now that it took Katie about five seconds to think of Mr. Wilkins and put me in touch with him.

Since our first conversation a few months ago, I have found Mr. Wilkins to be a gentleman who’s word is always good, a man willing to share his deep reservoir of experience, and he’s funny. What more could you ask for in a benefactor?

Mr. Wilkins has been nothing but incredibly supportive for the artistic and philanthropic goals for our project. He did not shy away from and is even behind our unyielding portrayal of Parkinson's disease in An Endgame. With his knowledge of advertising and passion for fighting Parkinson's Disease in creative and educationally expansive ways, he is an ideal match to be the patron of our project.   

I couldn't be happier or more excited to be working along the Wilkins Parkinson Foundation and Mr. Wilkins to make this short film. 

Cory Line
August 12th, 2013 

* * *

If you are in the Atlanta area, the WPF has two big fundraisers coming up soon.

Polo for Parkinsons on September 29, 2013
This year the WPF is partnering with the Emory University’s Movement Disorder Center.

And the 10th Annual Countrified Rock for Research on October 4, 2013.

Take a second to check them out!

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